Our ENL Program

The English as a New Language (ENL) program used to be called English as a Second Language (ESL). It provides instruction in English with support in the students’ home language so that they can learn to read, write, and speak English. Students from many different language backgrounds are taught together, and English may be the only common language among them. The goal of the program is to provide instruction in English with supports in the student's home language until they become English proficient.


Each spring your child will be given the NY State English as a Second Language Achievement Test. This test measures your child’s progress in learning English. The results allow you, your child, and their teachers to understand strengths and areas that need improvement, such as speaking, reading, and writing. The results of this test are also used to determine if your child will continue to be identified as an English language learner in the next school year.


  For more information contact Dr. Katie Prince, our ENL teacher